uç Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • 1. end, extremity; tip. 2. point (of a sharply pointed instrument). 3. hist. march, borderland. --unda bir şey var. colloq. /ın/ There´s something behind (a matter)./There´s something secret at the bottom of (a matter). --u bucağı olmamak (for a place) to be vastly wide, be boundless. --unu bulmak /ın/ 1. to bring (something) to a conclusion. 2. to find a way to solve (a problem). --u dokunmak /a/ (for something) to affect (someone) adversely, bring (someone) harm, cause (someone) damage. --unu kaçırmak /ın/ to allow (a situation) to get out of control. --unda (bir şey) olmak (for something) to be at the bottom of (a matter). --u ortası belli olmamak (for something) to be so complicated or chaotic that one doesn´t know how to start setting it to rights. -- uca end to end. --u ucuna just barely; with only a very little bit to spare; with hardly a minute to spare. -- vermek 1. (for a boil, pimple, etc.) to come to a head, head. 2. to sprout. 3. to appear, become apparent.