saat Anlamı, Karşılığı

# A B C Ç D E F G H I İ J K L M N O Ö P Q R S Ş T U Ü V W X Y Z

Türkçe - İngilizce

  • saat
    ,-ti 1. hour. 2. time; time of day. 3. clock; watch; timepiece. 4. (electricity, gas, or water) meter; taximeter; speedometer. 5. an hour´s walk; the distance that can be traveled in an hour. -- ayarı time signal (used to regulate timepieces). --i ayarlamak 1. to set a watch or clock in accordance with the correct time. 2. to adjust a watch or clock (so that it doesn´t go too fast or too slow). -- başı 1. on the hour. 2. constantly, every whipstitch. -- başı galiba! Why is everybody so quiet? (said jocularly when there is a general lull in the conversation). -- be saat from hour to hour, hourly, with every passing hour. -- bu saat. colloq. The time to do it is right now! -- çemberi/dairesi astr. hour circle. -- gibi like a clock, like clockwork, in a very smooth and orderly way. -- kaç? What time is it? -- kaçta? At what time?/When? -- kösteği watch chain. -- kulesi clock tower. --i kurmak to wind a clock or watch. -- on bir buçuğu çalmak to be nearing the end of one´s life, for time to run out on one. -- on birde very late in life, very late in the day. --i saatine on time, punctually. --i saatine uymamak (for someone) to be very capricious, be very unpredictable. -- tutmak to time something or someone. -- vurmak for a clock to strike the hour.